업체명 : 경남제약(주)
업체명 : 경남제약(주)
1. 말초동맥순환장애(간헐성파행증(이따금 절뚝거림))의 치료
2. 어지러움, 혈관성 및 퇴행성 이명(귀울림)
3. 이명(귀울림), 두통, 기억력감퇴, 집중력장애, 우울감, 어지러움 등의 치매성 증상을 수반하는 기질성 뇌기능 장애의 치료
Gyeongnam Jinko New Soft Capsule (Ginkgo Leaf Extract)
Company Name: Kyungnam Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Efficacy effect
1. Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Circulatory Disorder (Intermittent Laparopathy)
2. Dizziness, vascular and degenerative tinnitus (earring)
3. Treatment of organic brain dysfunction accompanied by dementia symptoms such as tinnitus, headache, memory loss, concentration disorder, depression, and dizziness
Learn more about dosage and use precautions at the Food and Drug Administration
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