업체명 : 경남제약(주)
업체명 : 경남제약(주)
○ 유효균종
겐타마이신내성 녹농균, 프로테우스, 세라티아, 대장균, 클레브시엘라, 엔테로박터, 시트로박터, 프로비덴시아, 아시네토박터, 포도구균
○ 적응증
- 패혈증, 기관지확장증(감염 시), 폐렴, 폐농양
- 중추신경계감염증(수막염 등)
- 골 및 관절감염증
- 화상 및 수술 후 감염증
- 복막염
- 피부 및 연조직의 중증감염증
- 중증 복합감염 및 재발성 요로감염증
500 mg of Kyungnam Amica Shinju (Sulfur Amikacin) (vials) (for export)
Company Name: Kyungnam Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Efficacy effect
○ Effective species
Gentamicin-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Serratia, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Providencia, Acinetobacter, Staphylococcus
○ indications
Sepsis, bronchiectasis (when infected), pneumonia, lung abscess
Central nervous system infection (meningitis, etc.)
Bone and joint infections
-Burns and postoperative infections
-Severe infections of the skin and soft tissues
Severe multiple infections and recurrent urinary tract infections
Learn more about dosage and use precautions at the Food and Drug Administration
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